Thursday, 26 March 2009

Harvest Bible Chapel Launch team announcement

So, those of you who have stuck with this, will have noticed that it's been a bit quieter round these parts over the past few weeks. The reason is that I have been enormously busy beginning work on the new church plant, Harvest Bible Chapel Glasgow.

A couple of friends have put some stuff up on their blog relating to what we are doing (thanks James MacDonald and Colin Adams.

Last night we had our first information open house and were really encouraged that 40 people came along, particularly given we have only been back in Glasgow for three and a half weeks. We are now putting together a launch team- so if you know of anyone (or is someone) in the Glasgow area who is looking for a Bible teaching church (systematic exposition with a strong emphasis on application: believing that truth transforms) with contemporary worship and intentional small group structure allied to a desire to be bold in prayer and evangelism then why not consider contacting me via the e-mail address on the sidebar. Also if people have unsaved family and friends in Glasgow who we could be praying for and, if appropriate connecting with that they also consider passing names on to us to see how we can serve the Lord in those lives.

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