Sunday, 15 February 2009

Penultimate Sunday

Apologies once more for the infrequency of posting. Our time here is rapidly reaching it's conclusion and we will be home on March 1st. It has been an outstanding time for us and has really served to hone our thinking in regards to ministry. Alison has had some good opportunities to relate to some of the women here and to speak to some of the people who oversee the women's ministries in the church here. Church this morning was the penultimate message in James MacDonald's series on trials. As before, if you are interested, you can view it here by going to the message part on the available drop box. Once more, thanks for your prayers and I will post some further items for prayer later in the week as we begin to turn our thoughts towards home.

1 comment:

ross said...

Hi Scott, just wanted to say we've been reading your blog entries and are pleased to hear you guys have had such a good time. Appreciative of the links also- some good stuff. Praying for you guys, Ross, Debs and Katie