Sunday, 1 February 2009

Harvest day 15

Church as a family today. Matthew and Katie managed to stay in their classes without our number coming up for the first time since we've been here. We are really impressed by the kids work that is going on and thsoe who serve in that ministry. Preacher this week was a visitor called Crawford Lorritts. Some of you may be aware of him, he gave one of the keynote addresses at the Gospel Coalition in 2007. You can listen to the audio of his message here.

The rest of the day was spent online checking out potential sites for the church plant and trying to figure out some rough rental costs for church space and office space. This is all very exciting, and we are trusting the Lord in prayer to provide for the needs of the ministry of a venue and office space that will allow us to pursue excellent ministry in a quality venue.

Tomorrow we head into Chicago itself as a family to go to the Chicago Children's Museum, so a quality family day in store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed listen to the sermon and wonderful to hear his own sons following him in God's work. What a blesing to him and his family. Thanks for posting that
