Wednesday 26 November 2008

Colin Adams- Choosing what to preach

Colin Adams, posting today, gives a helpful analysis of the methodology of choosing sermon series. Here at Charlotte Chapel we’re mulling over potential sermon series for next year. In no particular order, here are some factors that might carry some weight in deciding what to preach on next.

1. How long do we have for this batch of sermons (one year; three months; four weeks)?
2. What Testament did we preach from last?
3. What biblical genre have we not preached from lately?
4. What is the one greatest spiritual need in the church currently? (and what book/section of a book would best address that need?)
5. What portion of Scripture excites me at the moment personally?
6. What Scripture books/sections have I not preached on with this congregation?
7. If we’ve just preached through a relatively lighter book, what would stretch the congregation? If we’ve just waded through Leviticus, what might make for some lighter lifting?
8. Are there any clear and present theological dangers that need to be urgently addressed?
9. Is there a contemporary circumstance (9/11, credit crunch) that might call for or pave the way for a series of sermons?

In the comments someone posted a quote by D. M Lloyd-Jones-
“Why should we consider the Sermon on the Mount at all?…… Well, I do not know that it is a part of the business of a preacher to explain the processes of his own mind and his own heart, but clearly no man should preach unless God has given him a message. It is the business of any man who tries to preach and expound the Scriptures to wait upon God for leading and guidance. I suppose fundamentally, therefore my main reason for preaching upon the Sermon on the Mount was that I had this persuasion, this compulsion, this leading of the Spirit. I say that deliberately, because if had been left to my own choice I would not have chosen to preach a series on the Sermon on the Mount. And as I understand this sense of compulsion, I feel the particular reason for for doing so is the peculiar condition of the life of the Christian church in general at the present time.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. Good ideas on what to preach. Lloyd-Jones is right about waiting on God for the direction. E.M. Bounds called it unction and explained it well in his book, "The Preacher and Prayer." Certainly the hearers know when we have a Word from God or a word from ourselves...and without a doubt, God knows.
Thanks again,